Team-Based Learning for Art Historians

This page is a work in progress It is intended to provide stand-alone resources for anyone who teaches art history and wants to use team-based learning.

Resources for Team-Based Learning

What is TBL?

  • TBL in a nutshell
  • Join the TBL Collaborative. They also have a listserv, which I recommend joining. Be warned: there are a lot of emails (a digest is available).

TBL and Art History

The Gallery Walk

Application Activities

Formal Analysis Activity

After so many years feeling frustrated with the formal analysis paper, I decided to make it a team application activity for my Intro to Art: Its History and meaning course. Each team wrote a formal analysis paper during class (75 min.). I provided students with a handout that detailed the assignment, as well as the grading rubric, and I projected a single image on a screen. I also asked that each team member write a portion of the paper. I circulated the classroom as each team worked through the paper. By the end of the class period, each team wrote about 1.5 pages on a loose-leaf, lined page. So far I've been impressed with the quality of the papers. They all had a thesis statement, demonstrated clear organization, and used visual evidence. Compared to the formal analysis papers I normally read, these team-written ones are more sophisticated and display higher-level thinking.

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