This page is a work in progress It is intended to provide stand-alone resources for anyone who teaches art history and wants to use team-based learning.
Resources for Team-Based Learning
What is TBL?
- TBL in a nutshell
- Join the TBL Collaborative. They also have a listserv, which I recommend joining. Be warned: there are a lot of emails (a digest is available).
TBL and Art History
- A little self-promotion here: I co-authored with Jennifer Ball a short essay on TBL and Art History for Art History Teaching Resources
The Gallery Walk
Application Activities
Formal Analysis Activity
After so many years feeling frustrated with the formal analysis paper, I decided to make it a team application activity for my Intro to Art: Its History and meaning course. Each team wrote a formal analysis paper during class (75 min.). I provided students with a handout that detailed the assignment, as well as the grading rubric, and I projected a single image on a screen. I also asked that each team member write a portion of the paper. I circulated the classroom as each team worked through the paper. By the end of the class period, each team wrote about 1.5 pages on a loose-leaf, lined page. So far I've been impressed with the quality of the papers. They all had a thesis statement, demonstrated clear organization, and used visual evidence. Compared to the formal analysis papers I normally read, these team-written ones are more sophisticated and display higher-level thinking.