WEEK 12 (4/21): POST-INDEPENDENCE: Caudillismo, academic Death, and Death Photography
Topics: The War of Independence and caudillismo. Secular relics. The Academy of San Carlos, nationalism, and death-related subject matter. The development of photography in relation to death, dying, and assassination. Angelitos genre of photography. Maximillian in Mexico.
- Observe the images in folder for this week.
- Then, read Mandell, Elisa. “Posthumous Portrait of Children in Early Modern Spain and Mexico.” In Death and the Afterlife in the Early Modern Hispanic World. Hispanic Issues On Line 7 (2010): 68-88.
- Are the objects in any way illuminated by what you read? Jot down your ideas in your notebook or after your reading summary.
Recommended Reading:
- Edward Sullivan, “Naturalezas muertas,” The Language of Objects in the Art of the Americas (Yale University Press, 2007).
- Website about Mexican Independence: http://www.tamu.edu/ccbn/dewitt/mexicanrev.htm [Scroll down on main page]